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Ωτοασπίδες- Το Σημαντικότερο Αξεσουάρ των Μοτοσυκλετιστών

How necessary are earplugs in motorcycle riding?

Earplugs are one of the basic riding tools.

The damage and hearing loss associated with motorcycle riding is something that many riders around the world still do not take seriously. The problem is that hearing loss is progressive and it’s probably too late when you notice it.

Sounds in a quiet house can be as low as 40 db, while on a busy road they range from 75 to 100 db. Intense noise greatly affects the hearing organ, as it can cause damage to the hair cells of the cochlea and rupture of the eardrum. Its damaging effect on the ear (without being visible or identifiable) starts at around 80 db and ear pain starts at 120 db and above. The loss can be caused by brief exposure to very loud noise or by continuous exposure to moderate noise.

The noise levels while driving are as follows:

  • Driving in the city at 40 to 80 km/h. Sound 80 to 85 db.
  • Driving at 100 km/h. Sound 100 db.
  • Driving at 150 km/h. Sound at 100 mph. Sound 110 db.

Of course, the numbers vary depending on the type of helmet you wear and the wind protection your bike offers. Nevertheless, the noise reaching your ears is still high.

What earplugs should I use?

MotoSafe® earplugs mitigate harmful noises without the feeling of isolation. Riding, intercom, bike sounds are still adequately heard thanks to the innovative AlpineAcousticFilters™. MotoSafe® are available in three types depending on the degree of protection. They are made of the durable, flexible AlpineThermoShape™ material. With the heat of the ear, this soft material conforms to the ear canal for an optimal fit. Combined with the soft filters, the earplugs fit perfectly under the helmet.

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