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Όσα Πρέπει να Γνωρίζετε για την Επιδότηση των Ακουστικών Βαρηκοΐας

All insured people can buy hearing aids with a allowance from EOPYY. It is a simple procedure that anyone can easily do. Let’s take a step-by-step look at exactly what you need to do:

  1. Go to a hospital, the IKA or a private ENT specialist under contract with EOPYY to get a prescription for your hearing loss and the need for hearing aids. Attention! The certificate expires after 1 month.
  2. Visit our hearing centre so that we can find the right hearing aids for you together. Based on your hearing chart and your needs, an experienced hearing care professional will guide you to proceed with the purchase of the most suitable hearing aids for you.
  3. Once you have decided on the purchase, you will provide our hearing centre with your ENT opinion. The amount of 450€ will be deducted from the cost of the hearing aids you have chosen and you will only pay the amount of your participation fee.

In case of a high degree of hearing loss of more than 80dB in both ears, a second hearing aid is prescribed by the ENT and reimbursed by the EOPYY (total of 900€ allowance for the purchase of two hearing aids).

The EOPYY allowance is renewed every four years.

Information for children

For children up to 16 years old, hearing aids are replaced every year, provided their hearing loss is more than 50dB and is getting worse. This is demonstrated by comparative hearing charts. The EOPYY grants the amount of €540 for the purchase of one hearing aid or €1,080 for the purchase of two hearing aids (for severe hearing loss of more than 80dB in both ears).

A hearing-impaired school-age child (5-16 years old) is entitled to an additional allowance from the Ministry of Education, in addition to the EHS allowance. This amount is up to €1,500 for the purchase of one hearing aid or up to €3,000 for the purchase of two hearing aids (for profound hearing loss of more than 80dB in both ears).

A school-age child is therefore entitled to a total of up to €2,040 for the purchase of one hearing aid or up to €4,080 for the purchase of two hearing aids.

The NHIF allowance is deducted from the amount of the hearing aids you choose from us from the outset, while the Ministry of Education allowance is given back to the child’s family by the Primary or Secondary Education Department, once the parents have submitted the necessary supporting documents requested.

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